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Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Korna virus is America's biological weapon It is likely that the US intelligence agency Corona virus brought Wuhan. Spokesperson to the Chinese Foreign Ministry

China accuses the US of a biological attack on the Corona virus, saying it could have been handled by US intelligence agencies and the United States would have to explain it. The Chinese Foreign Ministry says the US intelligence agency is likely to be China's In his tweet, the Corona virus was brought to Wuhan in the region, a spokesman said in a tweet that the US lacks transparency, not in China.
کورنا وائرس امریکا کا حیاتیاتی ہتھیار ہے.چین

Foreign media report has shook the world, in which China has directly accused the US of biological attacks on the US Foreign Ministry spokesman. Zhou Lijian, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, has raised questions about Corona in the United States. When did it begin? How many people are affected? Which hospitals in the United States administered the Corona virus? It is likely that the US intelligence agency brought Corona virus to Wuhan will have to explain to the US.
It should be noted that US national security adviser Robert O'Brien had alleged that China reacted cheaply to the Corona virus, which is being paid worldwide, even though the virus was identified in Wuhan a year ago. The journal "The Diplomat" and "China Morning Post" said in their report that China has indicated to go to the United States against the US on the spread of the Corona virus. Russian scientists also confirmed China's claim. It was a horrific biological attack on America.
Which has left China alone all over the world and China lost many trillions of dollars, the whole world imposed sanctions on importing Chinese products The US plan was to weaken China economically 'Russian scientists believe it There was an American conspiracy aimed at curbing China's growing economic power and making money by selling billions of dollars of vaccines after the virus spread. Chinese scientists have also alleged that the virus was created in US laboratories and developed as a biological weapon, adding to the US-China trade war, Southern China's maritime disputes and 5G Internet affairs. It is to be noted that the number of victims from Corona has been 124000 worldwide while 4600 people have died due to this.
Global outbreak has termed the outbreak a global epidemic, according to the latest data confirming that the virus has been confirmed in 80980 people in China and 3136 have been killed. I have confirmed the virus, 429 deaths' virus has been confirmed in 7869 people in Korea, 66 deaths' virus has been confirmed in 2269 people in France, 48 deaths' virus has been confirmed in 2140 people in Spain and 49 have died. The first deaths were reported in some other countries from Cod 19, including Greece, Ivory Coast, Austria and Algeria, Ireland. The virus has also been killed in Nih, Belgium, Sweden and Bulgaria. Authorities in China say the outbreak has ended and only 15 cases were confirmed from across the country last day, while the outbreak of the outbreak. The center is where only eight cases have come out. Many African countries have not yet confirmed the virus, but they have started planning to deal with it. Corona's first cases have also surfaced in South Africa.

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