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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How did the Coronavirus expose America to the most powerful country in the world?

Being in my apartment, I can see how fear has captured America. A large number of US citizens have been infected with the Coronavirus. It is strange to see how the most powerful country in the world is in the process of treating the virus, which was recently declared a political rumor by US President Donald Trump recently.

It is a country that outsiders see as a safe place in every respect and in their desire to live a quiet life here, they risk their accumulated capital all their lives.

But within a few days, this country has changed. There have been 260 deaths from Coronavirus  while 19624 people have been affected by the virus.

No one knows for sure how much worse this situation can be and how long the situation will remain.
Many in the United States are afraid of how the world's greatest power looks internally weak.

It is a country that cannot live without commenting on what is happening in any corner of the world, and its leaders do not hold back in demonstrating their power.

Former director of the US Federal Security Agency's Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Tom Friedman, predicts that in the worst-case scenario, half of the population in the United States is Cod-19. The virus can be infected and can kill more than a million people.

The situation in America has reached such a point that now the news is coming that people are returning to their homeland.

According to a report, Chinese parents who proudly sent their children to the United States or London to pursue education are now sending them masks and sanitizers or sending them back home as soon as they spend up to $ 25,000. May 24. A 24-year-old student from China who has recently graduated said she is returning home with her roommate.

Until two months ago, China was committed to controlling the virus to prevent deaths.

It is alleged by some constituencies in the United States that it was a time when President Trump's administration went hand-in-hand, rather than testing and taking preventive measures.

President Trump told CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davis in January that we were in full control. He also said that he had full confidence in the information coming from China.

The situation is rapidly changing. It is surprising to see how the multi-day political debate over health care in the United States finally ended with the Coronavirus test.

The Healthcare Agency (CDS) introduced its Coronavirus test system, but the preliminary results obtained from the preliminary tests due to manufacturing defects were unsuccessful.

Authorities say these issues have been resolved. According to reports, Corona's tests are not taking place at the desired pace due to lack of cotton swabs, gloves and other equipment.

As people began to question government actions, President Trump began meetings and conferences and mobilized his administration in front of cameras, which appear to assure full support and role on TV.

US journalist David Valance Wells talks about President Trump and his administration in one of their columns America is broken. They did not write how sad it is that we are living in a world where the system is being held hostage by private companies and charities where in the United States, even in times of need, the need for medical care related to the outbreak. Will do

What would be even more egregious of our current system malfunction is that the leading medical companies and insurance companies were forced to waive fees or force a joint payment to test.

Even if tests are available, many cannot afford it. This is a country where you are at high risk if you do not have insurance.

Journalist Carl Gibson does not have insurance. They wrote about how horrible it is to live under the Coronavirus.

He says that when I went to the doctor in 2013 after falling off a road bike in the US, I never went to a doctor again because of the high fees.

After waiting for four hours, the doctor bandaged my arm, prescribed pain medication and advised me to go home. So I had to pay more than $ 4000 for the job. And what I could not see is following me to this day. I can't rent an apartment or buy a car.

As of 2018, an estimated 27.5 million people in the United States, which make up 8.5% of the population, have not had health insurance.

Under pressure from public protests, the US government has legislated to facilitate skin and free tests of the Coronavirus.

About five million homeless Americans who live in camps, shelters and streets are more likely to suffer from the outbreak.

Although standing in the White House courtyard, President Trump claims that masks are being created in the tens of millions, the ground facts are radically different.

There are also shocking reports that doctors in the US state of Seattle are making their own masks from plastic sheets.

According to the report, the Health and Hospital Association has established construction companies, dentists and veterinarians, among others.

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